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🎁 Livraison offerte en France Métropolitaine à partir de 79 € d'achat

Oily leather

Our Swedish oily leather clogs are a perfect blend of durability and style, with their hard-wearing leather embellishing over time, adding a touch ofauthenticity to every step you take.
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Swedish clogs, also known as "träskor" in Swedish, are traditional wooden shoes that are popular in Sweden and other Scandinavian countries. While they are often considered nostalgic fashion accessories, they also offer several practical and health benefits. Here are just a few of the benefits of Swedish clogs:

1. Comfort: Swedish clogs are made from quality wood and offer solid support for your feet. Their ergonomic shape evenly distributes the pressure exerted on your feet, which can help relieve pain and discomfort associated with poor posture.

2. Breathability: Swedish clogs are open at the back, allowing air to circulate around your feet. This reduces moisture and perspiration, which can help prevent unpleasant odors and fungal infections.

3. Arch support: Swedish clogs feature a slightly curved insole that supports the arch of the foot. This can be beneficial for people with sagging arches or plantar fasciitis.

4. Shock resistance: The wood used in Swedish clogs offers a certain amount of shock absorption as you walk, which can help reduce the pressure on your joints and bones. This can be particularly beneficial for people with joint problems or pain in the feet, ankles or knees.

5. Durability: Swedish clogs are renowned for their durability. Made from solid, high-quality wood, they are designed to withstand daily use and can last a long time with proper care.

It should be noted that it is important to choose the right size and wear your clogs properly to avoid discomfort or injury.

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